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2016 - 2023

Ph.D. in Physics

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ-Brazil
Quantum Electrodynamics: Some applications
Advisor: Professor Dr Felipe S. S. Rosa
Description: Using the framework of quantum electrodynamics, we analyzed two problems:

  • The effect of electrolytes in the Casimir interaction;

  • The problem of the Energy transfer between quantum emitters (Fermi's Problem), in the vicinity of a media.


2014 - 2016

M.Sc. in Physics

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ-Brazil
Quantum electrodynamics on colloidal systems
Advisor: Professor Dr Felipe S. S. Rosa

Description: My master's research focused on understanding the role of electrolytes in the Casimir interaction between macroscopic bodies, in planar and spherical symmetry.

2009 - 2013

B.S. in Physics

Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói-Brazil
Title: Teaching Physics using Smartphones
Advisor: Professor Dr Daniel Jonathan
Description: We created guides to execute experimental lectures using smartphones as a small laboratory.

Conferences and courses attended

  • Coloquinho Unesp, 2022, São Paulo-Brazil

Colloquium: Quantum electrodynamics at low energy


  • Conference in advances in the Casimir force and heat transfer phenomena - IOP 2022, on-line 

Oral presentation: Casimir Interaction Between Spheres Immersed in an Electrolyte


  • Autumn Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Physics (EOSBF) 2021, São Paulo-Brazil

Oral Presentation: Casimir Interaction Between Spheres Immersed in an Electrolyte


  • XXXIV Encontro de Físicos do Norte e Nordeste. 2019, Alagoas-Brazil

Oral presentation: The Fermi Problem in Front of a Mirror


  • Autumn Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Physics (EOSBF) 2019, Sergipe-Brazil

Poster presentation: Causality and the Fermi problem in front of a mirror


  • IONS - Latin American School of Optics 2019, São Paulo-Brazil

Poster presentation: Causality and the Fermi problem in front of a mirror


Master in Physics

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Title: Eletrodinâmica quântica em colóides

2009 - 2013

Licentiate in Physics

Universidade Federal Fluminense

Title: Física em smartphones

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